The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) releases the second annual comprehensive study undertaken on the sustainable transformation of the air cargo industry.
As part of TIACA’s Sustainability program, launched in November 2019, the organization performed a widespread industry survey involving supply chain partners from across the globe and from each industry sector and business size. With a 62% increase in participation, this year’s results reflect an even more comprehensive assessment of the industry. The responses have been analyzed and published to reflect how the industry has progressed compared to the 2020 “ground zero” first assessment. The report’s findings will also feed TIACA’s overall sustainability strategy and support enhanced work programs addressing each of the organization’s three key areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, supported by innovation and partnership.
“Despite the challenges presented by covid these past 24 months, sustainability remains a key priority area for the industry and for TIACA as we must reflect the interests of the global society which we collectively serve. We must now take the next leap forward in setting specific targets measuring results and reporting with transparency”, stated Glyn Hughes, TIACA Director General.
Key highlights of the report:
• 93% of respondents confirm their sustainability agenda is supported directly by their CEO
• Only 15% indicated Covid had a negative impact on their sustainability plans.
• 51% and 42% report that sustainability is a key factor for Shareholders and regulators respectively, large increases vs 2020 report.
• Only 50% share their Sustainability results externally, compared to 80% across all industries.
• Fewer companies have dedicated resources and budgets vs 2020 report, minus 9% and 6% respectively.
• 63% of respondents are focusing on reducing their energy consumption
• Decarbonization activities vary greatly by industry sector.
• 25% of respondents indicated they lacked awareness of the role air cargo plays in supporting society.
• 79% of Airlines and 82% of airports responding are actively working on reducing the impact of noise on local communities.
• 78% of responders, up from 65% previously, report that they have accelerated their digital transformation to support continuous improvement and operational excellence.
• 70% report that their own sustainable development is critical to support business partners
• The importance of attracting, retaining and developing staff all showed dramatic improvements compared to the prior year, with 71% indicating they are actively working on improving the employee experience, up from 39% previously.
• 73% are actively investing in training, up from 53% previously and 67% are actively advancing diversity and inclusivity up from 41% previously.
Top areas of focus
Beyond the defined People, Planet and Prosperity categories, the report urges industry to take the following actions;
1. Set up concrete targets to accelerate their sustainability transformation
2. Measure progress made by collecting data and facts regularly
3. Communicate on achievements with transparency
4. Get recognized for the progress made
“This second annual report clearly demonstrates some great progress in a number of key areas, the increased focus on the people category is a crucial reflection of one of the challenges the industry has been facing, attracting and retaining staff. The report is also extremely valuable in helping establish where next for the TIACA sustainability program and we are excited about our upcoming initiatives to help move the industry forward. We are also examining our own sustainability developments and collaborative relationships are a critical aspect.” stated Steven Polmans, Chair of TIACA’s Board of Directors.