Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Yogi Adityanath, officially flagged off 100 police motorcycles as part of the UP-100 Emergency Management System in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Tuesday. During the ceremony, CM Adityanath handed a giant cutout of a Zebra Technologies TC75-series touch computer to the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Police in a symbolic gesture that marks the deployment of new assets for the state-wide emergency response program.
Zebra’s rugged mobile devices are being deployed as a part of the UP-100 program that aims to provide prompt and responsive integrated emergency services in the state.
The TC70/TC75 Series is the professional-grade device built from the ground up for the enterprise segment, offering a rugged design for reliable everyday use – and has been deployed in various use cases including government, transport and logistics, e-commerce, and retail. Zebra’s rugged mobile devices will provide first responders with cutting-edge, fast data access so they can communicate and access critical information in real time.